Raptor Flowchart Interpreter Download For Mac

Welcome to the RAPTOR home page RAPTOR is a flowchart-based programming environment, designed specifically to help students visualize their algorithms and avoid syntactic baggage. RAPTOR programs are created visually and executed visually by tracing the execution through the flowchart. Required syntax is kept to a minimum. Students prefer using flowcharts to express their algorithms, and are. Download Mario Party 5 ROM for the Gamecube. The game ROM file comes in ISO format. Mario Party 5 is a Mini Games/Party video game published by Nintendo released on.

RAPTOR is a flowchart-based programming environment, designed specificallyto help students visualize their algorithms and avoid syntactic baggage. RAPTOR programs are created visually and executed visually by tracing theexecution through the flowchart. Required syntax is kept to aminimum. Students prefer using flowcharts to express their algorithms,and are more successful creating algorithms using RAPTOR than using atraditional language or writing flowcharts without RAPTOR.

Click here to see a picture ofRAPTOR. For a paper describing the use of RAPTOR in a general educationcourse, click here. Here’s another paper from the Global Chinese Conference onComputers in Education (GCCCE) 2011. (Midwest Instruction and ComputingSymposium) Evaluating the Use of Flowchart-based RAPTOR Programming in CS0.American Society for EngineeringEducation RAPTOR- A Vehicle to Enhance Logical Thinking.

RAPTOR is referenced in (at least) An Introduction to Programming and Algorithmic Reasoning using RAPTOR (Hadfield, Weingart and Brown), Starting Out with Programming Logic& Design (Tony Gaddis), Prelude to Programming Concepts and Design(Venit and Drake),School-based ICT (LongmanComputer Course for Junior Secondary) (English and Chinese versions), and Introducción a la programación,Algoritmos y suimplementaciónen VB.NET, C#,Java y C++, and the following books from Tsinghua University Press (Chinese-- VisualizedComputing 2012, VisualizedComputing based On RAPTOR case tutorial 2014, RAPTORprogramming case tutorial)

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Where/how are you using RAPTOR? I keep a list of what schools and universities are using RAPTOR and for whatclass. This helps me plan future advancements. Please email me andlet me know.

Newest Installer (11/19/2019)



·To_Integer() takes in a string and returns the integer number (e.g. To_Integer('37') is 37)

·To_Float() takes in a string and returns the number (e.g. To_Float('37.5') is 37.5)

·Get_Nth_String returns the nth string in a long string, separated by the separator (e.g. Get_Nth_String('ab,cd,ef',',',2) is 'cd'). It returns the separator after the last separated string (e.g. Get_Nth_String('ab,cd,ef',',',4) returns ',')

Digitally Signed Installer (older version, digitally signed on 10/1/2016 -- may help if you have Windows Defender issues!)

Based on .NET Framework 4.5. XP users may need touse an older installer (2014 or earlier).

Portable Version

JohnMeir from Midlands Tech created a Portable App version (PortableApps.com). This allows RAPTOR to be usedfrom a USB key or similar without installing. You can download the portableversion here. This versionis from 2012.

FALL 2015 VERSION(Updated 15 August 2015)

Raptor Flowchart Interpreter

Firstversion based on .NET Framework 4.5

Fixed issue with color White

Fixed issue where users able to create Subcharts in OO mode

Other minor updates to include new signed installer

NOTE!The installer was signed with a US Department of Defense certificate. You canget the root certificates from DoD Class 3 PKI RootCertificates. If you have difficulty with the signed installer, you canalso try the unsigned installer.

Windows 8 users

Youmay need to enable .NET 3.5. See instructions here.

SPRING 2012 VERSION (Updated 13September 2012)

13 September version fixes anomalies with set_precision

27 August version hopefully fixes Print Dialog on Windows 7 64-bit

Minor updates to Java code generation. Update to how RAPTOR OO mode handlesrecursive functions. Download here

KNOWN ISSUE: RAPTOR OO-mode does not correctly handle all recursivefunctions.

SPRING 2011 VERSION (Updated 18 May 2011)

You can get the Spring 2011 version (4.0.4) ofRAPTOR from here (right-click and choose'save target as'). NOTE: See above on certificates. Alsorequires .NET2.0 Framework. Files generated in this version (except those in OOmode) can be opened with the Summer 2007 version.

NEW INSTALLER! This installer has been tested onWindows XP SP3 (32 bit), Windows XP Tablet PC (32 bit), Windows 7 Professional(32 and 64 bit) and Vista Business (64 bit). This installer shouldeliminate many installation bugs from the Microsoft Ink DLL.


·Cannow have plugin methods that return String.

·Inputand Output dialogs no longer have radios to select text vs. expression. This seemed more confusing than helpful. Now all prompts/outputs areexpressions. Be sure to use ' (quotation marks).

·Set_Precision(digits) allows you to specifyhow many digits of precision will be in an output. Set_Precision(2) is useful forcurrency. Set_Precision(-1) returns to the default floating precision (4significant figures).

·Redirect_Output_Append allows you to redirect output to a file, appending the dataon the end.

·Current_Year, Current_Month, Current_Day, Current_Hour, Current_Minute, Current_Second, Current_Millisecond -- new time functions

·Current_Time -- returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1990(midnight).

OtherOperating Systems

RAPTOR is written in a combination of C# and A# (a portof Ada to the .NET Framework) and is only supported on Windows. We haveexperimented with MonoUbuntu. We were able to get RAPTORrunning on Ubuntu with some features removed. Here's a zip with all of the files in case you want to try it.The most frequent question I get is if there is a Mac version. We don't havetime to develop one, but I've heard that Winemay let you run the Windows version on a Mac.


Did you know RAPTOR has modes? By default, you start in Novicemode. Novice mode has a single global namespace for variables. Intermediate mode allows you to create procedures that have their own scope(introducing the notion of parameter passing and supports recursion). Object-Oriented mode is new (in the Summer 2009 version)


Raptor Flowchart Download

A common question is about RAPTOR loops being 'backwards' fromJava. We believe this form of loop logic is more intuitive to beginners;however, if you wish to match the semantics of Java loops, i.e. exit when thecondition is false instead of when the condition is true, set the registryentry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareRaptorreverse_loop_logicto true.

RAPTORis Free!

RAPTORis freely distributed as a service to the CS education community. RAPTORwas originally developed by and for the US AirForce Academy, Department ofComputer Science, but its use has spread and RAPTOR is now used for CSeducation in over 30 countries on at least 4 continents. Martin Carlisle is theprimary maintainer, and is a professor at CarnegieMellon University.


·Introduction toAlgorithmic Thinking

·Introduction toRAPTOR

·RAPTOR Syntax Guide

·Control Structures

·Analyzing Requirements

·ProcessAbstraction and RAPTORGraph

·RAPTOR Subcharts andProcedures

·Introduction to ArrayVariables

·Functional Decomposition


oIntroduction to RAPTORprogramming

oGraphics programmingwith RAPTOR

oProgramming loops andselections


OOMode Handouts

Belowhandouts are by Elizabeth Drake, edited from Appendix D of her book, Preludeto Programming: Concepts and Design, 5th Edition, by ElizabethDrake and Stewart Venit, Addison-Wesley, 2011.Linked here with author'spermission.


·RAPTOR OO Programming Mode

·RAPTOR Data Files

·Combined RAPTOR Data Files/OOMode


·Implementing a RAPTOR testserver

·Creating plugin functions and procedures

·Create your own code generator

·Easter Eggs



·Martin C. Carlisle




Comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcome. If you have a comment,suggestion or bug report, send an email to MartinCarlisle.


David Cox has put together a user forum at http://raptorflowchart.freeforums.org.This provides a place for users to exchange ideas, how tos,etc. Note however, that feedback for the author should be sent by email ratherthan posting on this forum.

Raptor Flowchart For Mac


Randy Bower has some YouTube tutorials at http://www.youtube.com/user/RandallBower.You can also search YouTube for 'RAPTOR flowchart'.


The UML designer is based on NClass, an open-source UML Class Designer. NClass is licensed under the GNU General PublicLicense. The rest of RAPTOR, by US Air Force policy, is publicdomain. Source is found here. RAPTOR iswritten in a combination of A# and C#. Unfortunately, I don't have the time toprovide support on compilation issues.